專輯名稱:Love Hurts 烈愛傷痕
1. Europe / Carrie
2. Boston / Amanda
「波士頓合唱團」86年席捲全美流行榜與搖滾榜冠軍 跨世紀傳頌的芳名情歌
3. Bonnie Tyler / Total Eclipse Of The Heart
唱腔別具情感爆發力的女歌手「邦妮泰勒」83年風靡英美排行冠軍曲 氣勢磅礡、哀柔悽美的抒情史詩佳作
4. Michael Bolton / How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
歌聲沙啞、用情至深的抒情歌王「麥可勃特恩」90年勇奪葛萊美獎最佳流行男歌手大獎得獎之作 1990全美連霸流行榜與抒情榜冠軍曲
5. Styx / Babe
6. Journey / Open Arms
舊金山流行搖滾名團「旅行者合唱團」82年蟬連全美流行榜6週亞軍 表達思念愛意的雋永佳作
7. Bad English / When I See You Smile
暢銷曲"Missing You"主唱約翰偉特與旅行者合唱團精英組成之「壞英國人合唱團」89年全美流行榜雙週冠軍佳作
8. R.E.M. / Everybody Hurts
全球搖滾青年誓言擁戴的主流搖滾勢力「R.E.M.合唱團」93年英國金榜TOP 7 撫慰青少年悲傷情懷的感人好歌
9. Mr. Big / To Be With You
10. Extreme / More Than Words
來自波士頓的搖滾團體「極限合唱團」 91年全美流行榜冠軍/抒情榜亞軍 綻放空心吉他動人情懷的抒情好歌
11. Michael Learns To Rock / 25 Minutes
12. Prince / Purple Rain
高深莫測的黑人音樂超級玩家「王子」84年全美流行榜亞軍 榮獲葛萊美獎最佳電影主題曲大獎奪標傑作
13. Rod Stewart / Sailing
搖滾傳奇藝人「洛史都華」75年問鼎英國金榜4週冠軍 淋漓體現流浪者心情的深刻唱作
14. Phil Collins / Another Day In Paradise
搖滾巨星「菲爾柯林斯」90年勇奪葛萊美年度唱片大獎、關懷無家可歸者的感人好歌 1989全美流行榜與抒情榜雙冠之作
15. Patty Smyth & Don Henley / Sometimes Love Just Ain’t Enough
16. Chicago / If You Leave Me Now
從爵士走向流行的超級隊伍「芝加哥合唱團」 76年勇奪葛萊美獎最佳流行樂團代表作 全美流行榜與抒情榜雙冠之作
17. ToTo / Africa
洛杉磯流行搖滾隊伍「托托合唱團」 83年稱霸全美流行榜冠軍力作 勇奪82年葛萊美獎年度專輯等6項大獎專輯「IV」中主打歌

4.How Am I Supposed To Live Without You
Artist:Michael Bolton麥可勃特恩

I could hardly believe it, when I heard the news today
I had to come and get it straight from you
They said you were leaving, someone's swept your heart away
From the look upon your face, I see it's true.
So tell me all about it, tell me 'bout the plans you're making
Then tell me one thing more before I go

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been loving you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been living for is gone.

I didn't come here for crying, didn't come here to break down
It's just a dream of mine is coming to an end

And how can I blame you, when I build my world around
The hope that one day we'd be so much more than friends
And I don't want to know the price i'm gonna pay for dreaming
When even now it's more than I can take

Tell me how am I supposed to live without you
Now that I've been loving you so long
How am I supposed to live without you
How am I supposed to carry on
When all that I've been living for is gone.

And I don't want to face the price I'm gonna pay for dreaming
Now that your dream has come true.
資料來源:※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

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